Mum gave me a wonderful book "a year of desserts" a couple of years ago and I've started making some of them. The coconut ice cream was a bit too sweet for me, but Ian loved it (and of course I'll post the recipe if anyone's interested). We both really love this lemon cake - it's very moist and lemony and best served warm.

The worst part is chopping the candied peel - not easy as it's so sticky. Hopefully there's a shop out there that sells it already chopped, but we haven't found it yet.
Carol from up the road has given me two cake recipes recently and now this - I'm going to have to get those baking tins out and make a start...
The lemon cake is one I would eat and make. But coconut ice cream would be a definite yuk yuk for me.
I cheat when I make my 6 Christmas cakes: I rince the glace cherries if I have to chop them otherwise it becomes a terrible task. I don't chop the candied peel for the cakes but if I had to I'd rince that too.
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